25. Foi-sing tek-dau: Choy Li Fut Kung Fu Technique


"Foi-sing tek-dau", is a term used in Choy Li Fut Kung Fu to describe a specific ready position for a left front kick, with the arms positioned in a particular way. The term "Foi-sing" refers to the "Scholar God," which is a celestial deity in Chinese mythology known for its wisdom and intelligence. "Tek-dau" refers to a front kick or kicking technique. In the "Foi-sing tek-dau" position, the practitioner adopts a stance with the left leg forward and the right leg back, preparing for a front kick with the left leg. The arms are positioned in a specific way, with the right fist or palm placed in the upper right area, and the left fist or palm positioned in the lower left area. The exact positioning of the fists or palms in the "Foi-sing tek-dau" may vary depending on the lineage or interpretation within Choy Li Fut Kung Fu. However, the general idea is that the arms are used for balance, protection, and potential offensive or defensive applications during the execution of the front kick. The "Foi-sing tek-dau" position is typically used as a transitional or preparatory stance before launching a left front kick. It allows the practitioner to maintain balance, guard against potential counterattacks, and quickly execute a powerful and accurate front kick with the left leg. It's important to note that Choy Li Fut Kung Fu, like any martial art, requires proper training and practice under the guidance of a qualified instructor to develop proficiency and ensure safe and effective application of techniques in training or real-life situations.