68. Bui-do: Choy Li Fut Kung Fu Weapon Technique


Welcome to our in-depth lesson on Bui-Do (背刀), the art of respectfully holding the Dan-Do (單刀), or single-edged sword, in Choy Li Fut Kung Fu. In this lesson, we uncover the delicate balance between respect for the weapon and the need for a swift, decisive action in combat. Bui-Do is not merely a way of holding the sword; it's a statement of honor, respect, and readiness. It involves placing the Dan-Do, also known as the Chinese broadsword, up against the back while saluting, bowing, or executing certain moves, including kicks. This practice is both a show of respect and a display of trust in your control over the weapon. Our Grandmaster level instructor will guide you through the process of mastering this technique. From the initial grip to the positioning of the sword against your back, each element of the technique is explained and demonstrated in detail. This lesson also explores how the sword is cradled in the elbow crease when it's not in use, highlighting the harmony between the practitioner and their weapon even when at rest. Mastering Bui-Do isn't just about weapon etiquette. It's about understanding the power you wield and showing due respect, even as you prepare to use that power. Join us as we delve deeper into the world of Choy Li Fut Kung Fu, embracing both its martial prowess and the profound respect that underpins the practice.