Lohan Yoga Syllabus

Welcome to our Lohan Yoga class. This course is designed to guide you through the traditional poses of Lohan Yoga, expanded into flow patterns and progressions of increasing complexity. Our ranking system is based on a series of colours, each corresponding to a different stage in your yoga journey, with several levels also linked to specific chakras.

In our Lohan Yoga program, students progress through distinct levels represented by different colors, some of which correspond to chakras. Each level is characterised by a unique set of three Lohan Yoga poses, which are later expanded into detailed flow patterns. All poses within a level are of equal significance and are selected in consultation with the instructor.

In our Lohan Yoga practice, each level is not simply a stepping stone but a foundation stone. As you progress through the ranks, it's vital to remember that each level we ascend to is built upon the wisdom, strength, and grace of the previous ones. The journey of Lohan Yoga is akin to the creation of a beautiful tapestry, where each pose and each level add unique threads to the intricate design. The poses learned at each level, therefore, are not left behind but carried forward, becoming an integral part of the fabric of your practice.

To truly evolve and move forward on your journey, it's essential to honor and embody the lessons from the past. Thus, an integral part of advancing to a new level is to demonstrate your understanding and integration of all the poses from the preceding levels.

This approach ensures that the practice becomes a holistic experience that nurtures growth and balance at every level of your being, paving the way for a harmonious transition into the next phase of your spiritual journey.

Here's the progression of levels:

  • White (Beginner)

  • Red

  • Orange

  • Yellow

  • Green (Intermediate)

  • Blue

  • Indigo

  • Violet

  • Brown

  • Black (Advanced)

Progression isn't strictly tied to the complexity of the flow patterns but rather reflects each student's personal journey and growth. When the instructor determines that a student has derived sufficient benefit from the current level, progression to the next level is encouraged.

In addition to pose training, students will also engage in two extra-curricular learning areas per level. These complementary areas aim to enhance the understanding and application of Lohan Yoga, providing a holistic and balanced experience. The options for extra-curricular learning are:

  • Qigong

  • Instructor Training

  • Meditation

  • Tai Chi Flow

  • Pushing Hands

  • Assisted Stretching

  • Sports Therapy

Your instructor will guide your choice of extra-curricular learning, ensuring alignment with your overall Lohan Yoga goals.

Join us in our Lohan Yoga class to experience the transformative journey this ancient art form provides. Our structured, comprehensive approach allows you to progressively master each pose, deepen your yoga practice, and harmonise your chakras, all while progressing through our colour level ranking system.

List of poses in alphabetical order:

1. Aligning the Mountains

2. Arrow of the Spiritual Warrior Unleashed

3. Ascending Twin Phoenix on the Mountain

4. Awakening the Third Eye

5. Balancing Yin and Yang

6. Black Tiger Communes with Mountain

7. Blooming, the Lotus flower opens

8. Breaking the Ego with Graceful Folds

9. Buddha Cultivates Joy

10. Clearing the Inner Sanctuary

11. Devouring Inner Demons Banishing Shadows

12. Divine Feminine Moon Gazing

13. Dividing East and West

14. Fists of Fury, Eyes of Compassion

15. Ghost Whisperer at the Ocean's Depths

16. Golden Phoenix Greets Sun

17. Holding the Moon

18. Igniting the Internal Flame

19. Lotus Throne of the Divine Feminine Guan Yin

20. Lohan's Sacred Drink

21. Majestic Phoenix in Flight

22. Orbiting the Crown Encircling the Universe

23. Phoenix Securing the Nest

24. Prayer Hands: Gateway to the Soul

25. Raising Heaven and Pushing the Earth

26. Raising the Sun and Moon

27. Riding the Tiger

28. Seeking Wisdom at the Sea Floor

29. The Golden Leopard Unveils Its Radiance

30. The Leopard Stretches with Power

31. The Sleeping Buddha

32. Touch the Shoulder

33. Warrior's Bow Drawn with Intent